Client Feedback – Digital Productivity Tools Training

Hi Geoff just wanted to say another big thank you! After your Digital Productivity Tools training session, I spent approx. 4 hours over a few days sorting out my large number of folders in Outlook and setting up One Note. I have been using One Note and the Microsoft To Task app.. Wow what a difference I feel totally organised and no longer looking for things.

Also, as a Unit, we are now using the Teams Channels more effectively. It’s been great to have conversations in topic Channel folders that can be referred to when needed and topic now continues in the one Microsoft Teams channel area… no longer do I spend time looking for conversations throughout the main Units Team group messages, which was very difficult to find as often the conversations would continue over many days… So, the topic conversation Channels have been a real bonus too!

Thanks again and it’s also been good receiving your follow up emails as I have been checking that I have been using things correctly… thanks again…

Aggie, Regional Support Officer, June 2024

Thanks Geoff – the Digital Productivity Tools course was super helpful and will have lasting benefits! Amanda – Local Government (May 2024)

Thank you, Geoff, I have learnt a lot from the Digital Productivity course. Managing my emails and using tasks has made a big difference in managing my workload. Thank you for all the tips and tricks and especially providing your time after the course. Very much appreciated! Maria – Local Government, May 2024

It’s been a year since Geoff delivered the Digital Productivity Tools Workshop, and I can confidently say that this training has significantly improved my workflow. Before the training, I often struggled with an overflowing inbox, an unmanageable to-do list, and a constant feeling of being swamped with my workload. My approach and attitude towards managing my time have changed. I now place greater emphasis on planning for the next day or week at the end of each day. Utilising rules in emails allows me to keep my inbox near zero. Additionally, using To Do and flags has enabled me to sort and prioritise my work list into manageable tasks.

I highly recommend the training to people who not only want to improve their work practices but to anyone looking to develop their professional resilience. Thanks to Geoff’s training I am feeling more productive, and I can leave the workplace without taking my work home. Aaron – Youth Support, August 2023

Thank you for providing on-going support Geoff. The training provided good instructions about Outlook and One Note. I’ve now started using One Note after learning from you. 😊 Thanks again. Farzana, EPA Vic (June 2023)

Hi Geoff, I have rearranged my inbox as per your suggestion and it is working a treat! Woo Hoo!!  And it took me a few weeks, but I have finally started using OneNote. I use this for my To Do List and have tabs and pages for sites and staff members. This is really helping me stay on top of my tasks, as I love ticking off those boxes! 😃 Mel – Team Leader, VT Uniting. September 2022